Friday, August 16, 2013

On Baranggay Emergency Rescue Team

Context of this post
1. Pure observations.
2. Very minimal to no research done at all

Some questions and points
1. WTF are these?
2. Why do I see them most of the time roaming the streets of the city, even if there are no apparent emergencies?
3. Why? I see some of these utility vehicles with your regular civilians. I'm not sure if they're government personnel, but they sure do not look like a team on its way to a disaster.
4. I've never heard of the actions of these BERTeams in the news, and i believe it has been in service for more than a year. Quezon City seems peaceful enough.
5. I think every baranggay has one. I hope this isn't a waste, or hasn't been a waste of tax payer's money.
6. These vehicles go beyond their area. Recent example: I saw a BERT Van of UP Campus going to either Quezon Ave or East Ave.
7. Mas mabuti siguro kung DERT, or by district para hindi sayang yung resources.

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