Sunday, August 18, 2013

NISMED Kitchen

I forgot  my last meal in this canteen. It seems this kitchen went ahead of me, and a grumpy tummy makes me sad.

It's easy to find a place to eat in UP, and this fact remains true until your first semester. Or until you've already ate at each shack at least twice. So, it get's difficult to repress your hunger, or to find the right nutrition for your money. 

NISMED Canteen - Cervantes Kitchen and Catering Services

It was up as early as June 2009, my first month in the University of the Philippines. I don't remember my first dine-in in the said canteen, but my meal was probably for breakfast. I thought, "this place serves few food". I haven't realized then that food came in at time past 10:30 AM, but you could already see the upcoming dishes on their whiteboard. I frequently ate at the complex, located near Pavilion 1, after my Chem 31 classes. 

From fishballs to pancit canton, i indulged myself on very good food. The best in the university at the period. 
Meals were not that expensive, nor ration few in serving size. Price range is 40 - 65, with a real meal with vegetables or meat.

The place has it's own air conditioning system that's usually turned on when diners pack the place, or when 10:30 AM strikes. Ceiling fans do a great job at certain tables. Usually, cellphone signal is weak inside the dining room. 

My Favorite Meals (actually lahat)
1. Baked Chicken - Even if the leg part was on its 2nd day, it still tasted great! All you had to do was to ask for more of the chicken juices.

2. Tinola - One of my favorite Pinoy dishes, served well with hot soup!

3. Coffee Buns - So much heaven in such a small piece. It got phased out during my junior year, for some reason. I always buy at least two pieces, and scrape of the dressing left on the baking sheet. It got replaced by cupcakes that we're also fine. There was a time where I was able to eat coffee cupcakes with choco chips.

4. Kaldereta, Beef with Mushroom, Beef with Oyster Sauce

5. Blue Marlin/Fish with Lemon - A very simple dish that's very appealing to my taste bud. Acidity was just right, and i never have those mini-seafood allergy attacks. 

6. Baby Back Ribs, Chicken Longganisa

7. Chili - They had this homemade chili that was mixed with oil and probably small shrimp. At first, they offered it free with some meals that wen't well with a little spice. Soon they bottled it up, and began selling it at a fair price. I bought one, and finished it within two weeks!

Some of the items i wasn't able to try were the vegetables, pasta, desserts and drinks that didn't meet my interest. 

The servers are very kind and attentive. The only time they bring the food to your table is during breakfast, where they heat the food or whip up a part of your meal. Acceptable. They also have this quotes and proverbs unique at each table.

They also operate on a CLAY-GO system, but students sometimes do not help out. A wash area is located within the room, and clean drinking water is also provided, self-service is also observed when it comes to that. You also find one practice of getting your change. They don't put it on your hands, but they have a small plate where they drop your change. 

With the good points in mind, you don't need to wonder why the place is usually packed every lunch time. The thought that needs more than a meal's worth of pondering time is its replacement or departure. 

I'd accept if they left for some better place, but i'd never accept that the canteen was replaced by your average college canteen - that serves blah meals with blah service. I actually wish i pushed through with acquiring their services for my ROTC class' Ring Hop.

Great food, now gone.

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