Thursday, August 8, 2013

Four Cardinals

Another intersection spun by the wind

North - A Mariner's guide
Just another illusion on where to go when you're lost. When you get things right, without knowing anything, a star smiles back at you. Behind some clouds, you glimpse a shimmering reaction.

East - Mad at the cold
Where the sun rises first. The one that heats things up for the morning. Just before it turns too hot, the time tells you to stop by noon time.

West - You'll all dream of land
Where most look and follow. A source of entertainment on stage. It's better to follow that direction that to lead yourself in some dull way.

South - Krystal of the orient
All things go south. If you'be gone too, turn around and go back. Pass by all the rest and head home.

look to the left, look up as it goes by, let it smile back, stay behind it, let it feel you, let it laugh with you
remember time as they move, be confused, go back and end together, enjoy
take advantage, be creative, on your toes, observe how they enjoy, connect, laugh as well
that and everything much more

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