Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Worried at midnight, Manila twilight

The morning arrives at the next minute, but you notice it's approach hours after.

I worry about getting lost. I thought that I already convinced myself of continuing to Medicine. I wonder so much on this development that doesn't seem to end. Although, I probably told myself that a career in research wouldn't be that bad.

For now, I'm not that bothered about losing my interest in med, but I am not aware of the influences I may give into when it comes to the next semester. It will come to a point that I might decide, that may leave the other choice behind or hanging. A hanging career doesn't look good, and it might lead to switches! 

More questions. These open up time for you because committing definitely shuts down the clock.

How decisive can you be? Up to what level, time or stage in your life can you be firm with choices nearby, at the corner or there at your blind spot. 

The common tune is to be happy or find happiness

Time shifts. Sunrise a second earlier, and sunset's a minute late. Flip the coin for dusk and dawn. Find the balance and seek the twilight.

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