Monday, September 2, 2013

Locker 66


I keep a lot of things hidden from the world,
but some musn't be held in until i get old.

An earlier spot for academic needs, that soon became the only way I spoke to you freely
Once I leave words and emotions, I eagerly await for your response
Sometimes I had doubts you'd reply
I dropped by in between the days and found myself saddened since your letter was still there
Though I just needed to wait.

I begin to write things while i feel imagination racing towards all corners of my mind
I get a sudden rise with my beating heart when I place a secret envelope, without anyone looking
It doubles when i inform you that you've got something from someone, somewhere
It saved my soul a couple of times, but I wonder what it was for you

I wish to leave another piece in Locker 66
I'd wait until you were nearer, but i have to know.

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